542224416 bytes read
#-------------USB Upgrade Bin Info----------------
# Device : ironman
# Build PATH : /studio2/MSD848_CODE/android
# Build TIME : 2020-09-09 12:31:43
** Bad Signature on 0:23: expected 0x5840, got 0x0000
Error >> end searching partition
storage is empty
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... 128 blocks written: OK
128 blocks written: OK
>> mmc erase.p vendor
The command looks like:
emmcbin [usbportnum] [pad] [binname] [offset/partitionname] [dumpsize]
For[offset/partitionname]we use the name of the partition and for[dumpsize]we use length,both values obtained at step 6.[binname]is the name of the created file on the USB key.
For sample:
emmcbin 0 0 recovery.bin recovery 65536
after the dump, if like me you have an error
** Bad Signature on 0:37: expected 0x5840, got 0x0000
[do_emmc_mkbin]: check bininfo of part 37 failedignore it
10) Now that you have all partitions enterusb stop
Unplug the key andcopy the content in a safe place